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David Diaz

   Covid-19 in Ecuador  by David Diaz 
Covid-19 in Ecuador
Location: Quito
Nationality: Ecuadorian
Biography: Visual storyteller based in Ecuador. He is a member of Fluxus Foto and The Everyday Projects He has producer of photographic and audiovisual content focused on Edu-Communication, Human Rights and Territory. David collaborated with... MORE
Public Story
Covid-19 in Ecuador
Copyright David Diaz 2024
Updated Jun 2020
Location Quito,Ecuador
Topics Capitalism, Community, Covid-19, Documentary, Epidemics, Military, Pandemics, Photography, Photojournalism, Street
Ecuador is one of the countries most affected by COVID-19 in Latin America, with the fourth mortality rate in the region. To date, more than 40,000 cases are registered and their numbers continue to increase. The latest report on the world food crisis, issued by the World Food Program, predicts that the number of people exposed to acute food insecurity will increase, if no action is taken, to 265 million in 2020 due to the pandemic.

The closing of the markets and fairs has generated that the peasant communities, responsible for providing a large part of the food for the population, face countless obstacles generated by the nature of this emergency, such as finding means of transportation for the products, assuming large losses for food that rots due to the lack of distribution channels, often accepting unfair values imposed by intermediaries and that are below the cost of production. In addition to running the fatal risk of contagion since many of these communities do not have access to nearby hospitals.

To achieve this, they have consolidated their community organization systems through barter and the implementation of distribution methods in improvised fairs, collection centers, or directly in homes with food baskets. These initiatives strengthen local commercial networks, sustain the economy of small producers, who have been forced to leave their homes and go out to look for work.

In efforts to recover "normality", the State has decided to change emergency alerts, changing from a maximum red alert to a half yellow security. Although the curve of infected persons has not decreased, the population and state laws seek forced "coexistence" with the pandemic and not lose its wobbly economy in the process.

Assignment for Fluxus Foto Published in GK.city

Ecuador es uno de los países más afectados por el COVID-19 en América Latina, con la cuarta tasa de mortalidad en la región. Hasta la actualidad se registran más de 40.000 casos y sus cifran siguen en aumento. El último informe sobre la crisis alimentaria en el mundo, emitido por el Programa Mundial de Alimentos, prevé que el número de personas expuestas a la inseguridad alimentaria aguda aumentará, si no se toman medidas, a 265 millones en 2020 debido a la pandemia.

El cierre de los mercados y ferias ha generado que las comunidades campesinas, responsables de proveer gran parte de los alimentos para la población, se enfrentan a un sinnúmero de obstáculos generados por la naturaleza de esta emergencia, como encontrar medios de transporte para los productos, asumir grandes pérdidas por los alimentos que se pudren al no tener canales de distribución, aceptando muchas veces valores injustos que imponen los intermediarios y que están por debajo del costo de producción. Además de correr el riesgo letal por contagio ya que muchas de estas comunidades no tienen acceso a hospitales cercanos.

Para lograrlo han consolidado sus sistemas de organización comunitaria a partir del trueque y la implementación de métodos de distribución en ferias improvisadas, centros de acopio o directamente en domicilios con canastas de alimentos. Estas iniciativas refuerzan las redes comerciales locales, sostiene la economía de los pequeños productores, que se han visto forzados a dejar sus hogares y salir a buscar trabajo.  
En esfuerzos por recuperar la “normalidad” el Estado ha decidido cambiar las alertas de emergencia cambiando de Roja a media seguridad Amarilla. Aunque la curva de contagiados no ha disminuido, la población y las leyes estatales buscan una “convivencia” forzada con la pandemia y no perder su tambaleante economía en el proceso.

Encargo para  Fluxus Foto Publicado en GK.city
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PachaQueer: gender terrorists

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Ecuador Unrest

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Cannabis Industry

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Banana cultivation in Ecuador

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The forbidden fishing

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My future is today

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Galápagos among the first COVID-free destinations

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Fierro Urco: water and freedom

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Ecuador votes in pandemic

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Books in boxes

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Kay Pacha

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Books in boxes

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Victoria de Dios

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Education through whatsapp

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Land begins

David Diaz / Azuay, Ecuador

Kay Pacha

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David Diaz

Resistance 883

David Diaz / Quito,Ecuador

Somewhere else

David Diaz / Quito,Ecuador


David Diaz
Covid-19 in Ecuador  by David Diaz
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