Kathryn Coers Rossman

Location: Bloomington, IN, USA
Nationality: American
Biography: Kathryn Coers Rossman (kathryncoersrossman.com, insta: @kathryncoersrossman ) is a photojournalist, conceptual photographer and creative director in Bloomington, IN, USA. She studied modernism, literature and urbanism in graduate school at New... MORE
Private Story
Copyright Kathryn Coers Rossman 2024
Updated Feb 2024
The Bloomington Developmental Learning Center is a program founded in 1973 (they celebrated their 50th anniversary last year) by members of the local Unitarian Universalist Church as a co-op to address child care needs at the time. Currently, around 95 children are enrolled, some representing a second generation of attendees. The story is supposed to be about the history and formation of the BDLC, how it's grown and changed through the years, and the benefit it provides to local families.
Photographer: Kathryn Coers Rossman
insta: @kathryncoersrossman

Much gratitude to the BDLC community.


Bloom Magazine
insta: @bloommagazine

Much gratitude to Malcolm Abrams and Rodney Margison.

Bloom Magazine is an independent culture and lifestyle magazine for Bloomington, Indiana, USA and surrounding areas. Each issue contains high-quality photography and thought-provoking, relevant editorial content about local people, arts, culture, entertainment, homes and gardens, food and beverages, health and fitness, science and education, community, and family life. Published bimonthly, Bloom is a free magazine with 12,000 copies available at more than 200 local shops, businesses, hotels, and restaurants. 

Bloom Magazine won 12 awards - more than any other magazine in the state of Indiana - from the Indiana Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists in 2023. Southern Indiana no longer has traditional newspaper coverage and Bloom magazine has become a valuable resource for local news. Kathryn is a contributor at Bloom. 

Bloom Magazine | Celebrating Life in Bloomington, Indiana

Also by Kathryn Coers Rossman —

Story [Unlisted]


Kathryn Coers Rossman
Story [Unlisted]

Not Just Rugs

Kathryn Coers Rossman
Story [Unlisted]

Model Options

Kathryn Coers Rossman
Story [Unlisted]

BDLC for Bloom Magazine

Kathryn Coers Rossman
Story [Unlisted]

Dark Houses

Kathryn Coers Rossman
Story [Unlisted]

People's Market

Kathryn Coers Rossman
Story [Unlisted]


Kathryn Coers Rossman
Story [Unlisted]

Consume or Perish

Kathryn Coers Rossman
Story [Unlisted]

John Eckberg, Origami Artist, for Bloom Magazine (Feb/Mar 2024)

Kathryn Coers Rossman
Story [Unlisted]

Marissa Parr-Scott, Commission Liaison, Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women for Bloom Magazine

Kathryn Coers Rossman / City Hall, Bloomington, IN, USA

Composure & Imagination

Kathryn Coers Rossman / Array
BDLC by Kathryn Coers Rossman
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