Sinawi Medine

Documentary photographer
Location: Nice
Nationality: France, Eritrea
Biography: Based in France since 2009, I grew up in Eritrea and began photography as a self-taught artist before moving towards photoreportage. For several years I have been developing documentary projects on migration and exile, a way to keep track of the... MORE
Private Story
Copyright Sinawi Medine 2024
Updated Apr 2023
“Survivors” is a long-term documentary photography project focused on the experience of African exiles. The project rests on the belief that refugees go into exile to become, to have the opportunity to live freely, to build their future, and to participate positively in society. This investigation intends to show the ardent courage to live and to defy the common depiction of people who have become refugees. It addresses the paradox of the exile experience by juxtaposing the humanity of ordinary citizens with the seeming indifference of the states.Migration is a subject that raises questions and provokes debates both in society and in politics and has been covered at the rhythm of drama and news. In Europe, we hear more about the migration crisis than about the opportunities offered to exiles for integration and participation. This framing of the issue feeds the fears of some and the commitment of others. This investigation aims to give another perspective on migration. Documenting the road to exile I have been working at different spots in the Mediterranean and on the Franco-Italian border (2015-2018) highlighting the difficulties and dangers experienced along the migratory journey, questioning how people made the choice of embarking on a path from which many disappear.

Also by Sinawi Medine —

Story [Unlisted]


Sinawi Medine
Story [Unlisted]


Sinawi Medine
Story [Unlisted]


Sinawi Medine
Story [Unlisted]

Breil sur roya

Sinawi Medine
Story [Unlisted]

Au bout de l'exil

Sinawi Medine
Story [Unlisted]


Sinawi Medine
Surivors by Sinawi Medine
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