Adriana Thomasa

Documentary photographer and photojournalist
The awakening
Location: Valparaiso, Chile
Nationality: Spanish
Biography: Adriana Thomasa (1994, Melilla, Spain) Documentary photographer and photojournalist based between Chile and Spain. Her work explores and focuses in social issues related with identity and territory, migration, social movements and environment.
Public Story
The awakening
Copyright Adriana Thomasa 2024
Date of Work Oct 2019 - Oct 2020
Updated Jun 2021
Location Santiago
Topics Action, Capitalism, Chile, Conflict, Confrontation, Dignity, Documentary, Human Rights, Inequality, Latin America, Neoliberalism, Oppression, Photography, Photojournalism, Protest, Protests, Reporting, Revolution, Social, Social outbreak, Strike, Violence, Youth
El despertar (2019/2020)

El 18 de octubre de 2019 se inició en Chile la revuelta más grande vivida en el país desde el fin de la dictadura. Una subida en la tarifa del metro de Santiago fue el detonante para que se desencadenaran una serie de protestas a nivel nacional en contra de la desigualdad generada por el sistema neoliberal, implantado con la dictadura de Pinochet, en un país donde la riqueza se concentra en un pequeño sector de la población y el acceso a los servicios básicos de calidad no están al alcance de todos. Durante el estallido social, las protestas fueron fuertemente reprimidas y se produjeron numerosas violaciones a los derechos humanos por parte de agentes del Estado, dejando un saldo de más de 11.000 detenidos/as, 3838 personas heridas, más de 400 lesiones oculares y al menos 34 personas fallecidas.

A un año del estallido social, y como consecuencia de las protestas, se realizó un plebiscito para decidir si reemplazar o no la actual Constitución de 1980, promulgada en dictadura y garante de las políticas neoliberales. El 25 de octubre de 2020, con un 80% de los votos aproximadamente, el pueblo aprobó redactar una Nueva Constitución.

Las protestas bajaron de intensidad con la llegada de la pandemia, sin embargo el movimiento social generado tras la revuelta popular sigue presente en la población chilena.  
The awakening (2019/2020)

On October 18, 2019, Chile faced the largest revolt in the country since the end of the dictatorship. An increase in the metro ticket of Santiago  was the trigger to break out the revolution to protest against the inequality generated by the neoliberal system, implanted with the Pinochet dictatorship, in a country where wealth is concentrated in a small sector of the population and access to quality basic services are not available to everyone. During the social outbreak, the protests were strongly repressed and numerous human rights violations occurred by State agents, leaving a balance of more than 11,000 detainees, 3,838 people injured, more than 400 eye injuries and at least 34 dead people.

A year after the social outbreak, and as a result of the protests, a plebiscite was held to decide whether or not to replace the current Constitution of 1980, promulgated during the dictatorship and guarantor of neoliberal policies. On October 25, 2020, with approximately 80% of the votes, Chile approved to write a New Constitution.

The protests decreased in intensity with the arrival of the COVID 19 pandemic, however the social movement generated after the social outbreak is still present in Chilean population.
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Also by Adriana Thomasa —


Single images

Adriana Thomasa / Spain & Chile

Where the devil died of thirst (Ongoing)

Adriana Thomasa / Petorca

Chile's Constitutional Plebiscite 2022

Adriana Thomasa / Valparaíso, Chile


Adriana Thomasa

Oxígeno Laboratorio Cultural

Adriana Thomasa / melilla

Fuera de campo

Adriana Thomasa / La Calera, Chile

Building with ashes

Adriana Thomasa / valparaiso
The awakening by Adriana Thomasa
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