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Stan Raucher

Return to New York
Biography: I was born and raised in Saint Paul, Minnesota during the age of black and white television, Life magazine photo documentaries, and the publication of The Family of Man . These early influences are reflected in my approach to photography. My... MORE
Public Story
Return to New York
Copyright Stan Raucher 2024
Updated Dec 2011
Topics Brooklyn, Candid Photography, Children, Coney Island, Documentary, Human Condition, Manhattan, Metro, New York City, Public Spaces, Staten Island Ferry, Street Photography, Subway, Urban Realism

I’m fascinated by human behavior and I’ve always enjoyed observing people going about their daily lives in public spaces.  Even the most mundane activities may provide insights into aspects of the human condition. The poetry of the street emerges when situations that are unexpected, mysterious, humorous or poignant unfold. An expressive gesture, an unusual juxtaposition, a concealed mood or a hidden emotion may suddenly materialize and then vanish in a split-second. I strive to capture these fleeting moments as evocative, richly-layered photographs that prompt us to pause and reflect on our modern lives.

I’ve traveled to many exotic locations since beginning my affair with street photography in 2006.  Several years ago I was wondering where to photograph next, and I thought, “Why not New York City?” I had lived there for two years in the 1970s and again for three months in 1981 and in 1989, but that was before I began doing photography. My memories of life on the sidewalks and subways were still quite vivid, even though I had never had an opportunity to capture them as photographs. After a twenty year absence, I went back NYC for the first time in over twenty years. Thus was born my new project - Return to New York. These photos are the result of my two-week visit in the summer of 2009. 

My most memorable interaction of this trip occurred on a warm Sunday afternoon while I was watching the Pride Parade passing down Fifth Avenue. I was standing among a large crowd behind a police barricade, but I really wanted to be on the other side, so I asked a cop standing nearby, “Do you suppose it would be possible for me to cross the barricade and walk along with the parade so I could get some better photos?”  He replied with a smile, “Hey buddy, this is New York City - anything is possible.”  And so it is.

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Return to New York by Stan Raucher
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