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Paolo Munari Mandelli

Aussie Mood
Location: Bologna
Nationality: Italian
Biography: His photography journey started in 2007 when he decided to transform his passion into a professional path. Paolo has obtained many different masters in the photography field, that included; visual communications, reportage, fashion and darkroom... MORE
Private Story
Aussie Mood
Copyright Paolo Munari Mandelli 2024
Date of Work May 2018 - Ongoing
Updated Jul 2018
Location Sydney
Topics Action, Blind, Capitalism, Community, Confrontation, Conservation, Documentary, Dreams, Dying/Death, Editorial, Education, Emotion, Environment, Fear, Freedom, Happiness, Isolation, Mental Illness, Photography, Photojournalism, Relationships, Sorrow, Street, Technology, Teens, Youth

Aussie Mood.

Alike many cities of the world, also Sydney has its shades, contrast and colours. Sydney is a particular city, its running very fast as like as its change every day. What about the people that live and work every day inside the city? Is it such a sad sign that they do not care what is happening around them. Indeed, they do not pay attention, are just only concentrated on their lives into the digital era. As ghosts, they are walking on the road. The rest does not exist.

Aussie Mood. Wants to represent the contrast of the people that live in the city and their behaviour. The incredible concentration of people use a smartphone in Sydney, is something unimaginable. Spent a couple of months, to study and to observe them during their daily life, up and down on Sydney's streets and notice, how many times people pass with its smartphone, in his or her hand, I thought. How is disconcerting all of it?  The technology, it should help us; instead, it can transform a person into a kind of ghost, is shocking. Is like kill someone so slowly.

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