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Dan Hayon

Something is happening...
Location: Paris, France
Nationality: French, Romanian, Swedish, Israeli
Biography: Born in Bucharest, Romania, sometime before the middle of the XX century, at 22h24m. Graduated from the Art Academy in 1971. Despite my artistical studies, I consider myself as a self-taught photographer. I left Ceausescu's paradise in 1972. I... MORE
Private Story
Something is happening...
Copyright Dan HAYON 2024
Updated Jul 2012

"Something is happening..." is just one chapter from an ongoing personal project. 

 Very personal indeed  and hopelessly outside any commercial realm.

 Its full title (taken from of one of Bob Dylan's songs) is: "Something is happening here but you don't know what it is. Do you, Mister Jones?". 

 Another chapter  you can see on Fotovisura, is "The Labyrinth".

 The project I'm talking about is a photographic essay - or a collection of stories, and it is called "Searching for the meaning of life".

I don't expect to reach any conclusion or give any answer (and it will probably end when I'll go to meet my maker).

 And, as I am 65 plus years old, that day may not be too far.

 I began this project a few years ago when I realized that story telling my life is what I want to do.

 The photos that compose every chapter of my unfinished essay were taken in different countries and even years apart.

 I am fully aware that there is nothing original in my work.

Once in a while, an indefinite feeling takes over me, triggered, or stolen - as Jim Jarmusch once said - from an old film, or a new film, some music, a book, a painting, a photo, a poem, a dream, a random conversation, a street sign, a tree, some clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows...

I always have a small compact camera in my pocket when I am dream walking. 

Images pop-up from anywhere and ask me to take them with me and I just can't refuse. 

I really don't care if they will be over or under exposed, badly composed or plain stupid...

 Back home, I put them inside hundreds of little boxes and leave them there to get old in the dark like bottles of wine.

 Slowly, that feeling becomes the outline of a story. Only the words are missing. So I will look into my boxes and pick up some of those forgotten images captured in so many different places and at so many different moments...

They will be the words that will let me understand what my story wants to say.

 Over or under exposed, badly composed or plain stupid, if they fit together well, like the pieces of a puzzle, then I know that the time has come for them to see the light.

 "Something is happening..." is such a case.

 I'm a self-taught Romanian photographer and I live in Paris today.

I had a few occasions to show my work, here and there, but no gallery wanted me as their patient as my photos are too small and of no commercial interest.

 I also have a cat. He is the only one that unconditionally likes all I do.

You can see my more from my life at: http://hayon.typepad.fr

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Also by Dan Hayon —

Story [Unlisted]

Getting married in THE Paris!

Dan HAYON / Paris
Story [Unlisted]

Beyond personal ads

Story [Unlisted]

Jules could use some help...

Story [Unlisted]

The Labyrinth

Story [Unlisted]

Tintype shots of later days

Story [Unlisted]

The Time Machine

Something is happening... by Dan HAYON
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