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Kenneth Nelson

Street Photography/BW Works
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Nationality: American
Biography: Kenneth is a Fine Art Photographer documenting varied aspects of the human condition--how they manifest and are seen in society. A BFA Honors Graduate, with decades of photography background in camera sales, digital asset management, commercial... MORE
Private Story
Street Photography/BW Works
Copyright Kenneth Nelson 2024
Updated Sep 2023
Location New York City
Topics Arts & Entertainment, Black and White, Celebrations, Civil Rights, Community, Documentary, Dreams, Education, Emotion, Family, Fear, Fine Art, Gender, Happiness, Hope, Love, Minority, Personal, Photography, Portraiture, Race, Relationships, Street, Travel
When the streets talk, it's best to listen.

Exploring the serendipitous nature happening on the city streets and in the neighborhoods. Everything is happening everywhere all at once. It's not just the title of a movie, just happens to be true about humanity moving through its lifecycle. When interesting, or intriguing moments develop, I am inclined to reference them through photographs. Bringing viewers into a unique set of circumstances that existed for only a moment. These moments will not happen anywhere else at any time in the future. If the exact circumstances were to happen in the same way with the same people at the same space at a future time, it's highly unlikely you'd be there to see it. Realizing this type of uniqueness, is an endless journey of discovery and enlightenment.

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