mariela alvarez xiloj

the chariot
Location: Puerto Rico
Nationality: puerto rico
Biography: Using  Canon full Frame camera.  Editorial/food photography/beauty/fashioin coverage... anything real. Dm me!
the chariot
mariela alvarez xiloj
Feb 29, 2020
 last  riot  I attend on Puerto Rico. this time were woman who took the lead. but the riot ened up sooner than expected. so after women manifestation,  this guys remain in silence. one is resisting with no headphoes and the other ,  by listening to music or sending who knows what  beats to the atmosphere.  as a puertorican;  we do get a lot of science sou expect the fight from another angle, always mostly on peace./ .  kids love to experiment on music. thats the power to the people. 
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the chariot by mariela alvarez xiloj
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