Oscar Rubio

Rapa das bestas
Location: León
Nationality: Spain
Biography: Working as a freelancer graphic designer, illustrator and photographer.
Public Story
Rapa das bestas
Copyright Oscar Rubio 2024
Updated Nov 2015
Location Spain
Topics Black and White, Photography, Photojournalism

Is in Sabucedo, a very small town of Orense in Galizian Country where men and recently women realices the traditional "Rapa das Bestas".

"A Rapa das Bestas"  consist in go to the wild horses into the mountains that sorround the town and made they to come back to the town. When the horses are in place, they took them into "El Curro", a stone theatre where they cut they hair and clean them from bugs and parasites, also some of them are marked and registered.

"La Besta" is the original wild horse of those mountains for decades, being documented in a lot of ancient documents as the horses who ride the celtics who lived here a lot of years ago. 

In old days horse's hair was used to make ropes and strings, now is a present for some of the assistants.

During those days Sabucedo have a 4 days party, with typical food and music, concerts and a lot of fun!

When "A Rapa" finished the horses are setting free with the other horses into the mountain waiting maybe for the next year.

All photos taked with a BessaR and a CS-C 2,5/35mm with Tri-X Film and with a Pentax Spotmatic plus Carl Zeiss 1,4/50 Pancolar.

Selfdeveloped on darkroom.

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