Never Lost your Hope
Adam Khan, a former member of the Afghan army, who was imprisoned by the government opposition group on July 1, 2021, first the government opposition group shot him in the hand, which caused Adam Khan's forearm to break, then they imprisoned him as they had wounded him. This wound gradually paralyzed his hand.
 When Adam Khan was imprisoned, his family didn't know anything about him, and they fled to the IDP camp in Herat City, fearing for their lives. They thought that the man was no longer alive, and that the Afghan government had fallen.
 Adam Khan was in prison for nearly four months and after a lot of torture, he will be released on November 3, 2021, and he is looking for his family. He finds out that his family is living in a camp for internally displaced people.
 Adam Khaneh returns to his family on November 5, 2021, but he faces a terrible scene, his family was living in difficult conditions below the poverty line, and his eldest daughter, whose name is Parvaneh, Due to severe mental depression and lack of proper food, she was diagnosed with severe malnutrition at the age of 5 years.
 Adam Khan, who did not believe that his distance from his family would cause his whole family system to fall apart and the absence of a father would cause depression in his two daughters and son. He was disappointed and afraid of losing his daughter. Then Parvaneh's mother decides to take her daughter to the nearest clinic for treatment.
 Luck help Parvana's mother when she enters the clinic, on that day I went to Naubad clinic with UNICEF office to prepare a report on malnourished children.
 I met Parvaneh's mother there, and then she asked me to talk to the UNICEF team to put Parvaneh under serious care.

Then I spoke to the team members, and they asked the clinic to examine Parvaneh, which weighed 7 kilos and whose arm circumference was only 8 cm. This worried the doctors, and they said that the child might not survive, but I tried to get RUTF from UNICEF office for free, then many RUTFs were given in cooperation with the UNICEF office for her.
 After one month, Parvaneh's health condition improved, her weight increased by 1 kilo in this one month, and her arm circumference increased from 8 cm to 9 cm, which encouraged us all, but at the beginning of 2022, Parvaneh's health improved. changed dramatically and worsened, Now she was 6 years old and no doctors had any hope for her to survive, even Parvana's father was disappointed.
 I was the only one who had hope and requested an emergency meeting with the doctors and the UNICEF team, asking everyone to make their last efforts.
 And after a lot of discussion, the UNICEF office asked me to be persistent and continue treating Parvaneh, a door of hope opened, and I called Parvaneh's father to send Parvaneh to the hospital with her mother.
 Although I was not upset at the children's hospital because men were not allowed inside and they prevented me from photographing that part, because now the only thing that mattered to me was the health of her.
 Therefore, I gave up on continuing the documentary work in the hospital and when Parvaneh was hospitalized, then Parvaneh was hospitalized for a week, and the support of the UNICEF office and Herat doctors continued.
 Until her was discharged from the hospital, and at that time I was traveling, then in 2023 Parvaneh father sent me a message that Parvaneh has fully recovered her health.
 Parvaneh's father, who was happy with my efforts in these two years and expressed his gratitude, said Parvaneh longs to see you, which made me return to Afghanistan again and see Parvaneh.
Never Lost your Hope
The condition of Adam Khan's hand after the operation
Never Lost your Hope
3x4 photo related to Adam Khan's military days.
Never Lost your Hope
Adam Khan and his two daughters
Parvaneh and Afsaneh

Never Lost your Hope
The depressed and thin face of Parvaneh
Never Lost your Hope
Parvaneh looks worried, maybe she thinks she has a serious problem
Never Lost your Hope
Parvaneh with her mother in Noabad clinic in Herat city
Never Lost your Hope
The doctor was examining Pravane and Parvaneh still looked worried.
Never Lost your Hope
Parvaneh asks her mother to cook for her, but they had nothing to eat in the kitchen.
Never Lost your Hope
Parvaneh's mom only brings tea to her children so that they can drink tea.
Never Lost your Hope
The yard of Adam Khan's house
Never Lost your Hope
After a month of treatment, Parvaneh came to the clinic with her mother again for an examination.
Never Lost your Hope
The examination room for malnourished children, the doctor examines the weight of Parvaneh.

Never Lost your Hope
The doctor is measuring the circumference of Parvaneh arm, In the previous period, the circumference of Parvaneh arm was 8 cm, and during the medical period, it is now 9 cm.
Never Lost your Hope
The doctor is measuring the circumference of Parvaneh arm, In the previous period, the circumference of Parvaneh arm was 8 cm, and during the medical period, it is now 9 cm.
Never Lost your Hope
The examination room for malnourished children, the doctor examines the weight of Paravaneh.
Her weight had increased by 1 kilo.
Never Lost your Hope
The doctor measures the height of the Parvaneh.
Never Lost your Hope
Parvaneh's mother taking complementary food (rutf)
Never Lost your Hope
Parvaneh face and her disappointment again, after the second round of treatment
Never Lost your Hope
While she had changed, she had now lost her health again and was weaker than before.
Never Lost your Hope
The mother and her daughter go to the doctor for the last time.
Never Lost your Hope
The disappointed face of mother and daughter after the doctor said there is no hope for the health of the girls!
Never Lost your Hope
Parvaneh with her father and younger sister in Herat City Park after recovering her healthy
Never Lost your Hope
Parvaneh with her sister picking spring flowers
Never Lost your Hope
The happiness of Parvaneh because a new life has been given to her by God.
Never Lost your Hope
Paraneh's father is happy because his daughter is healthy and alive
Never Lost your Hope
Parvaneh with her sister eating ice cream
Never Lost your Hope
I, along with my colleague, Adam Khan and Parvaneh, were going to visit Parvaneh mother in a rickshaw.
Never Lost your Hope
They have a little member at home, and Parvaneh is sitting in her mother's arms
Never Lost your Hope

  • Now she is a healthy child and she can play and enjoy her childhood. I am also happy that I was able to be a successful and influential person and besides documentary work, I was able to do humanitarian work, and it has never happened that during the whole Problems in life and work make me lose hope and faith, there is always hope as long as we have faith.
     If we can do something to save a life or make someone smile, Just do it.

Never Lost your Hope

Profile photo of Sayed Habib Bidell
Sayed Habib Bidell
Public Story
Never Lost your Hope
Copyright Sayed Habib Bidell 2024
Updated Apr 2023
Location Afghanistan
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Never Lost your Hope by Sayed Habib Bidell Never Lost your Hope by Sayed Habib Bidell Never Lost your Hope by Sayed Habib Bidell