Kris Pannecoucke

Photographer - Filmmaker
Location: Kinshasa
Biography: Kris Pannecoucke, born in Kinshasa, Congo started my career as photographer and traveled intensively through the DRC the last couple of years on assignments for magazines, NGOs and corporate clients. My Photo work has been published in National... MORE
Events News Videos
The long road of a salary in Congo
kris pannecoucke
Feb 6, 2021
Happy to announce that my documentary about ‘financial inclusion’ in the DR Congo broadcast on ARTE television is now online:

Payday in the jungle !
Have you ever thought about how people in other countries get their salaries paid, there where you have no bank agencies or mobile phone network ?
Join us on a trip through the Democratic Republic of Congo where bank agents assure that government employees get their true salary.

I was able to develop this subject very extensively as a photographer, first on my own initiative, then for GEO (Germany) and resulting in publications in National Geographic Magazine (Dutch version), Le Vif, VI Menn (Norway), etc ...
Afterwards I realized the potential of this subject for a film documentary and followed the money convey once more in the interior of Congo as a filmmaker, culminating in a documentary broadcast on ARTE (French German TV)

To spark a conversation ...

Can you name me a country in the world that has developed thanks to foreign development aid, organized by NGOs ?

Financial inclusion plays a critical role for economic growth in developing countries in a more inclusive, sustainable way.
Two billion people worldwide don’t have access to an account as a way to save and use money. They don’t use formal financial services and 50% of adults in the poorest households are unbanked.

Financial inclusion is a key enabler to reducing poverty and boosting prosperity, important for isolated populations and for the development of local economy.

RDC : le long chemin d’un salaire - ARTE Reportage - Regarder le documentaire complet | ARTE
En Occident, nos salaires sont versés sur notre compte bancaire chaque mois. En République Démocratique du Congo, l’usage de paiement est légèrement différent. En 2012, le gouvernement congolais a rendu obligatoire le versement de tous...

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