Neil Massey

UK Jazz for REDBULLETIN Magazine
Location: London, UK
Nationality: British
Biography: Neil Massey (b).1970 After studying photography at Bournemouth Art School in England, I spent the following 15 years based in London working as an editorial photographer. During this time, I traveled extensively commissioned to photograph... MORE
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UK Jazz for REDBULLETIN Magazine
neil massey
Sep 17, 2019
Location: London
I was recently commissioned by Redbulletin Magazine in London to shoot a feature on UK Jazz. This 14 page feature shows the young, vibrant, life affirming jazz scene that is happening in London right now. Young musicians I photographed included; Zara McFarlane, Joe Armon-Jones, Nubya Garcia, Kokoroko, Theon Cross and Dylan Jones.

All these musicians came through Gary Crosby's (OBE) 'Tomorrow's Warriors' Jazz program. 'Tomorrow's Warriors' in their own words "We champion diversity, inclusion and equality. Whilst inclusive, our pioneering Young Artist Development Programme primarily supports the early careers of young musicians from BAME backgrounds, female musicians and those whose financial or other circumstances might lock them out of opportunities to pursue a career in the music industry".
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