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Md Farhad Rahman

The Roar Of The Urban Jungle
Location: Dhaka
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Biography:  Md Farhad Rahman is often preferred to be introduced as the student of "Life Around Us” Being a student photographer based in Bangladesh he is mostly an observer of life and space around him. Particularly his photographs project the relation... MORE
Public Story
The Roar Of The Urban Jungle
Copyright Md Farhad Rahman 2024
Updated Nov 2013

Cities being built brick by boring brick, new dimensions are being created. Daily lives are being enriched continually. There are departures and arrivals, bridges and buildings. It depends on how the eyes depict it. Surroundings are either blooming or falling into pieces. This modernization is endless. Past the pixels, past the screens, past the skyscrapers and past the broken dreams, there is something more. Past the structures, patterns and seams there are fresh inhibitions, morals and beliefs. The world is more than what the eye sees. The urban jungles are not just concrete and paved glass and paved roads. The city has nurtured its people to find comfort in loudness, the roar of the crowd. These young, juvenile brains do not find the time to look at the simple things, the symmetry and harmony of nature. Silence is underrated nowadays, its value degraded to the lowest. Everyone has seemed to forget how thrilling riding on planes and speeding on highways used to be. It is so common, so mainstream and what’s the thrill of the same experience? Between all the empty spaces and high structures, the space for imagination, artistic ambition and innovation has not yet run dry. In the words of The Beatles, let it be. 

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