Emmanuel Hernandez

Photographer / Documentary Film Maker
Location: New England
Nationality: Puerto Rican, Dominican
Biography: Emmanuel Hernandez is a multi-disciplined photographer and filmmaker born in Carolina, Puerto Rico. He is currently based in the New England area. His work focuses on telling stories of everyday people and how their stories can inspire change in... MORE
Public Story
Copyright Emmanuel Hernandez 2024
Updated Mar 2023
Location Bogota, Colombia
Topics Agriculture, Film, History, Landscape, Latin America, Nature, Video
Sumapaz Páramo is situated in the Altiplano Cundiboyacense mountain range of Colombia and is renowned as the largest páramo ecosystem in the world. Páramos are unique high-altitude environments found in South America, distinguished by their cold and humid conditions, as well as their diverse flora and fauna. The Sumapaz Páramo is home to numerous plant and animal species, many of which are exclusive to the region. Furthermore, the páramo offers vital ecological services, including water regulation and carbon storage. Unfortunately, like many other páramos worldwide, Sumapaz Páramo faces threats from human activities such as mining, agriculture, and urbanization, which can result in soil degradation, water contamination, and a loss of biodiversity.
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Sumapaz by Emmanuel Hernandez
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