xiaomei chen

Biography: I am a Chinese photographer based in Washington DC area. I don't limit myself to a certain type of photography. I am open to explore and experiment. And I enjoy it.
Public Story
Copyright xiaomei chen 2024
Updated May 2011
Topics apple, xiaomei chen, chenxphoto, xiaomei chen photography, conceptual photography, 陈小枚,陈小枚摄影,观念摄影, 苹果, Art

It starts from a question: Can I do a project about an ordinary object - maybe an apple?


So I started a project called "Apple."


I searched for tales, myths, sayings,  which involve an apple.


Apple has different meanings in different cultures. In a Greek myth, it indicates sexual seduction, and a cause of a war. It is a symbol for female fertility in several northern European cultures. It is wisdom and rebellion in the Bible. For Chinese Hakka, it means peace and security. In the west, people say an apple a day takes your doctor away...

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