New publication in Brand Eins magazine, from Germany, from my project about the conflict between the Barroso region of Portugal and the country's desire to become a key lithium supplier to the rising European electric mobility industry
Barroso, the lithium dilemma -
Barroso, the lithium dilemma -
Barroso, the lithium dilemma -
Barroso, the lithium dilemma -
New publication in Brand Eins magazine, from Germany, from my project about the conflict between the Barroso region of Portugal and the country's desire to become a key lithium supplier to the rising European electric mobility industry
Barroso, the lithium dilemma
Barroso, the lithium dilemma
Barroso, the lithium dilemma
Barroso, the lithium dilemma

Barroso, the lithium dilemma

Profile photo of Andre Vieira
Andre Vieira
Photographer based in Ericeira, Portugal
Barroso, the lithium dilemma
Copyright Andre Vieira 2024
Updated Jan 2022
Location Covas do Barroso
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Barroso, the lithium dilemma by Andre Vieira Barroso, the lithium dilemma by Andre Vieira Barroso, the lithium dilemma by Andre Vieira