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Javier Garcí­a

Between two rivers
Location: Cordoba, Ver
Nationality: Mexican
Biography: Photojournalist and documentary filmmaker for more than 20 years. Musical studies and anthropology. In 2009 he founded "SacBe producciones" collective of research, development and documentary production. He has produced and directed... MORE
Public Story
Between two rivers
Copyright Javier García/SacBé Produccion 2024
Updated Oct 2023
Topics Centroamerica, Documentary, inmigrants, Mexico, migrants
The migration towards the United States, has always been marked by economic, social and political of the countries of origin requirements.
In the year 94, in Mexico, it began the process of railway privatization and thus marked the disappearance of the passenger train.
This action of the government of Mexico made visible to Central American migrants and thus over time he became a vulnerable population to violation of their human rights.

Every year thousands of women, children and men leave Hondras, Guatemala and El Salvador, seeking a better economic life or shelter.
A future solution to the exodus is not viewed from south america, everyday violence, gangs and drug trafficking have been shifting needs of the population of the original need for the right to education, employment and a house.

elections in both Mexico and the United States, are marked with promises made fenimeno immigration, but over the same crisis increases with changes to laws that far from solving the underlying problem ends targiversando criminalizing the migrant and his image.

Migration away from coarsitivas persuade through laws or walls will continue to seek new ways to meet the needs of justice, peace, education, food and decent employment.

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Between two rivers by Javier García/SacBé Produccion
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