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Luca Prestia

Historian and free-lance photographer based in Turin (Italy)
Confine di [S]stato | State border
Location: Turin
Nationality: Italian
Biography: For some years I have been dealing with photographic projects related to the migratory phenomenon. I have visited some borders of Europe in search of traces of the testimonies of humanity passing through, in search of new life. For assignments,... MORE
Public Story
Confine di [S]stato | State border
Copyright Luca Prestia 2024
Date of Work Sep 2014 - Sep 2014
Updated Mar 2022
Location Cuneo
Topics Alps, Art, Borders, Community, Culture, Culture stories, Documentary, Editorial, Europe, Fine Art, Historical, History, Iconic places, International Stories, Italy, Journalism, Landscape, Maritime Alps, Nature, Personal Projects, Photography, Photojournalism, Piedmont
Autumn 1947. 

After months of intense negotiations, the border between the Italian and the French territories in this small corner of Europe was redrawn and finally established: since then, the high lands lying within the vast mountain area of the Colle di Tenda have been crossed by a nothing more than imaginary line, at time feeble and only recognisable by solitary milestones, traced by the hand of the man on a territory that, in spite of everything, preserves intact its wild and enchanted deep spirit, drawn by an extremely generous nature over a very long time.  This is the most striking aspect to those who decide to set out for a walk on this section of the Maritime Alps: you will gaze at a space made of rocks and air, suspended among countless ridges, deep valleys, caves and peaks that really look as if they were grabbing on to the cobalt-blue sky on a bright sunny day.   The observer can enjoy a 360° view without finding any obstacle, in a visual embrace setting things right and acknowledging the role of nature, finally making the man’s action appear – with his misleading desire of control and delimitation – as a slight hitch intended not to last.
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Also by Luca Prestia —


Baìo, the history shared by the Alpine communities

Luca Prestia / Cuneo

Etna (Sicily), 3357 meters above sea level. A piece of Mars on Earth

Luca Prestia / Catania

La montagna viva. Storie di cura, tutela e valorizzazione in 15 foto-ritratti di comunità

Luca Prestia and Unione Montana Valle Stura / Cuneo

Libereso Guglielmi. Il giardiniere di Calvino

Luca Prestia / Sanremo

Quando scoprimmo il mare | When we discovered the sea

Luca Prestia / Fréjus

My own private river

Luca Prestia / Cuneo

Built dreams

Luca Prestia / Ljubljana

Metafísica urbana

Luca Prestia / Torino

Festival Frontière | Paraloup, 25-29 luglio 2018

Luca Prestia / Paraloup

Lo spazio immaginato. Appunti per un racconto fotografico di una città qualsiasi

Luca Prestia and ICAR65 / Genova


Luca Prestia / Cuneo

Insegnare italiano ai tempi della Brexit. Il caso di Reading

Luca Prestia and Federico Faloppa / Reading

[Oltre]passare la frontiera. Immagini fotografiche dei percorsi migratori, di transumanza e di contrabbando tra la valle Stura e la Francia

Luca Prestia and Unione Montana Valle Stura / Cuneo

In an Italian wine region, question marks over quarantine

Luca Prestia and Cecilia Ferrara / Canelli

Beyond the border. Signs of passages across European borders

Luca Prestia and Federico Faloppa / Bihać

The return to the mountains. Sheep farming and ancient uses

Luca Prestia and Miriam Rubeis / Paraloup

Burkina Faso. Portraits of a generation

Luca Prestia / Ouagadougou
Confine di [S]stato | State border by Luca Prestia
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