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Joan Alvado

Corpses of Cement
Location: Barcelona
Nationality: Catalan
Biography: Born in Altea in 1979, Joan Alvado has lived in Barcelona since 2005. Joan Alvado (Altea, 1979) is a photographer living in Barcelona since 2005. Her work focuses on long-term projects with an anthropological focus on the sanctity of nature and... MORE
Public Story
Corpses of Cement
Copyright Joan Alvado 2024
Updated Apr 2014
Topics Abandonment, Architecture, Bubble, Business, Capitalism, Conceptual, Crisis, Documentary, Editorial, Environment, Europe, Globalization, Isolation, Landscape, Photography, photojournalism, Politics, Spain, urban development

When Urban Developers Ruled the Earth.

Apocaliptic landscape after the end of the housing bubble in Spanish state.

According to the chronicles, the Spanish housing market went in early XXIth century through an exceptional period of economic growing. Historians often refer to this period as the Bonánzico/Welfaric. Land was owned and operated by forms of life now extincted; mainly, it was ruled by the reptile species known as urban developer. The urban developers were characterized by hoarding the maximum ownership possible of land, applying a constant rise of the prices to other species if they wanted to establish there. 

In mid-2007, however, came the abrupt cessation of this form of domination. The great extinction, the end of an era...

What caused this mass extinction that marks the end of the Bonánzico/Welfaric and the beginning of Crisogene period? Scientists and other expert still haven'nt find a clear answer, nor any responsibilities have been defined about it. You might even get to believe that the housing bubble hatched because of uncontrollable external factors such as the explosion of a supernova, or a period of great volcanic activity. In any case, the most common forms of life at the time began to die. First were the developers, dead in early Crisogene. With them disappeared the great saurian that had dominated the territory during the Bonánzico period: cranes, excavators, trucks, bulldozer... and all of the raw construction materials. Later it was banks who fell ... Everything then became barren, abandoned, deserted as all these species were disappearing from the face of the earth.

The resulting picture in the Spain of Crisogene era transports us, therefore, to a post-apocalyptic scenario. Still today numerous fossils can be seen around the territory. They belonged once to shiny new buildings, which were also surprised by the urban bubble burst, and now lie inert. Corpses of cement, with gigantic skeletons.

However, from today's perspective, most of the experts consider the end of Bonánzico era, in early  XXIth century, as a positive happening. The Crisogene and the subsequent periods, as it has happened before after other major extinctions of dominant species, were a key factor for the mammals to quickly diversify and evolve as a species.


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The Last Days of Sulukule

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Shepherds 2.0

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Joan Alvado / Barcelona
Corpses of Cement by Joan Alvado
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