Sandra Chen Weinstein

Location: US, Taiwan
Nationality: USA /Taiwanese
Biography: Sandra's work focuses on documentary photography emphasizing social identity, culture, and minorities. Earlier projects include the Refugee in America, Facets of India etc. She has dedicated, long-term ongoing projects on the LGBTQA, women,... MORE
Private Story
Copyright Sandra Chen Weinstein 2024
Updated May 2022
“My adult child came out recently as queer, transgender, and non-binary at age 28. I was surprised but it took me no time to embrace my child as who they are. I am here for my child in the delicate transition of identity, psychological complexity, depression, challenge and discrimination, my love to my child is unconditional.  I support them and hope our example will help others.”    ‒ Sandra Chen Weinstein  
Tell us more about the photo(s). What stands out to you now, looking back? Is there any additional context you’d like to share with our audience?

Transcend is a very personal project about relationships and most importantly, about love and acceptance.  In this project I employ intimate portraits of people from the diverse LGBTQIA community as well as members of their families. I’ve also interviewed people about their shared experiences. I photograph the sensitive subject of gender transitions, which is very topical. I meet with families around the country to portray a diverse and accurate cross-section of Americans in gender transition. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 2% of high school students identify as transgender. Applied to all youth, this means there are at least 1.3 million trans youth.

“My adult child came out recently as queer, transgender, and non-binary. I was surprised but it took me no time to embrace my child as who they are. I am here for my child in the delicate transition of identity, psychological complexity, depression, challenge and discrimination.  my love to my child is unconditional. I support them and hope our example will help others.”    ‒ Sandra Chen Weinstein  

In more recent years, my work has become more personal as I began to explore my relationship with my child and my own identity through photography. The focus of my exploration has shifted from the very public arena of Pride events to relationships in intimate spaces. Through my lens, I aim to reveal people’s sensitives and vulnerabilities - what makes us all uniquely human.

The project includes my own child and our family experience. Transcend began in mid-2016, and is a work-in-progress. Transcend is a collaboration between my child Lee, who came out as transgender and non-binary three years ago, and myself. As a parent, I realized the struggles that families negotiate when children and/or parents come out as LGBTQIA. Transcend spotlights stories and photographs of my relationship with my child Lee, as well as others in the the photo(s).

Can you describe what it has been like being a mother? What are the challenges and triumphs, and what would you like readers to know about your experience?

I was unlikely to be a mother when I was very young at age twenty.  I was unprepared emotionally for the challenge and the complexity.  Nevertheless, time is a great teacher, I have learned every step and have done my best to bring up my children through my twenties and thirties  I have always encouraged their individuality and independence at and early age - especially as we lived in and traveled to many countries for the U.S. State Department.
What does motherhood mean to you?

It is a special gift to be a mother. Going though such an extraordinary  experience both physically and psychologically in life makes you treasure every moment you have with your children.

Also by Sandra Chen Weinstein —

Story [Unlisted]

Into the Blue

Sandra Chen Weinstein
Story [Unlisted]

Spring 2021

Sandra Chen Weinstein
Story [Unlisted]

Spring - Fall 2020

Sandra Chen Weinstein
Story [Unlisted]

Butterfly Love

Sandra Chen Weinstein
Story [Unlisted]

People of The Eagle Wings 2007 - Present

Sandra Chen Weinstein
Story [Unlisted]


Sandra Chen Weinstein
Story [Unlisted]


Sandra Chen Weinstein
Story [Unlisted]

Transcend (work in progress)

Sandra Chen Weinstein
Story [Unlisted]

Dignity for Palestine

Sandra Chen Weinstein
Story [Unlisted]

Seoul Searching

Sandra Chen Weinstein
Story [Unlisted]


Sandra Chen Weinstein
Story [Unlisted]

My Walk With Fire

Sandra Chen Weinstein
Story [Unlisted]

She / They

Sandra Chen Weinstein
Story [Unlisted]


Sandra Chen Weinstein
Story [Unlisted]

American Pride

Sandra Chen Weinstein
Transcend by Sandra Chen Weinstein
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