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Nneka Iwunna Ezemezue

Photographer | Graphic Designer | Magnum Foundation Fund grantee
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Nationality: NIGERIAN
Biography: Nneka Iwunna Ezemezue is a visual artist and photographer living in Lagos, Nigeria. She explores themes such as social issues such as environment, humanity, tradition, inequality and social justice forms her work, through which she seeks to bring... MORE
Media News
NPR: Dive, Dance, Commune, Pray: How Health Workers Cope In A Year Of Pandemic
nneka ezemezue
Aug 13, 2021
Dive, Dance, Commune, Pray: How Health Workers Cope In A Year Of Pandemic
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic. We interviewed 9 health workers around the world to learn what's surprised them most — and how they've managed to cope.
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