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David Gasser

Love Wins in Puerto Rico
Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Nationality: USA
Biography: David Gasser is a freelance photographer living in San Juan, Puerto Rico. A native of New Mexico in the USA, David has lived and traveled in many different places, documenting his daily surroundings and his travels.  He is particularly... MORE
Public Story
Love Wins in Puerto Rico
Copyright David F Gasser 2024
Updated Aug 2015
Topics AmorEsAmor, Celebrations, Documentary, Editorial, Emotion, Gay, Gay Rights, Human Rights, Igualdad, Lesbian, Love, Photojournalism, Wedding
When, on June 26 2015 in Obergefell v. Hodges, the United States Supreme Court declared that prohibiting marriage between individuals of the same sex is unconstitutional, same-sex couples in Puerto Rico knew that they, too would be afforded the right and the benefits of marriage. Their case had been championed by Puerto Rican attorney Ada Conde who had filed a federal lawsuit challenging article 68 of the Puerto Rico Civil Code. That article stipulated marriage between same-sex partners would not be valid in Puerto Rico.
On Sunday August 16, 2015, a public wedding of more than 70 same-sex couples took place in historic Old San Juan. Many well-wishers flocked to the area to witness the historic event. A massive thunderstorm showered the participants for most of the afternoon. No one complained however because Puerto Rico finds itself in the grip of a significant drought. Ironically, a vocal minority of fundamentalists had attributed the drought to divine disapproval of the impending legaliization of same-sex marriage on the island. Organizers were quick to point out that the rains must therefore represent the heavens overflowing with joy, and a celestial approval of the simultaneous nuptials. In any case, with the exception of a brief delay in the processional, nothing could dampen the spirts of those in attendence, some of whom had been waiting for more than thirty years for the opportunity to marry their partner of choice.
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