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diana bagnoli

Location: Turin, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Biography: BIO Diana Bagnoli is an Italian freelance photographer, graduated in Communication and then in Photography in Barcelona. From 2009, when she won the first prize in the Reportage category and was awarded as the Photographer of the Year at the FIOF... MORE
happy to be shortlisted as a finalist in One Eyeland Awards family
diana bagnoli
Apr 9, 2018
I'm happy to be shortlisted as a finalist in One Eyeland Awards family this year.

Sergio with his 5 year old daughter and their white tiger cub in their living room in Tehuacan, Puebla, Mexico.
He's teaching her how to approach the cub without being afraid.
He has got around 500 animals in captivity, mostly exotic in a zoological park beside his home called "Los Animalitos", that means the little animals.
When they die he stuffs them to add to his collection in their house.
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