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Inverno no cerrado
Includes 8 images
Credit: Alinne Rezende via Visura
Asset ID: VA71117
Caption: Available
Copyright: © Alinne Rezende, 2024
Collection: Environment news
Location: Morro do Ipanema
Topics: Documentary Environment Fire Forest Landscape Latin America Nature news Photography Wildlife

Alinne Rezende

@ freelancer Based in Brazil

"Photography has always matched all my passions, all my choices, and all my curiosities. It has always been my best excuse: excuse to go, to be there, to tell, to listen, to come back, to get to know a bit more. It makes me think,...
Also by Alinne Rezende —
Two people walking on the open tracks of Ipanema  Nacional Forest. After being hit by a very strong polar cold wave, together with a very dry winter,  most part of the cerrado vegetation is dry, even more than usual for this time. The fire brigade is now alerting the population. While in the Ipanema Nacional forest, some parts of the park are already closed due to fire possibilities.
Part of the burned vegetation of Morro de Ipanema near the city of Itero. Due to a long drought, the vegetation of the cerrado is very dry for the season, which also suffers from a wave of polar cold, further damaging the vegetation in the area. The region's fire brigade is now alerting the population to the risks of fires. Since at this time of year, it is still common for some residents and producers to use fire to clean the land.
It is not known whether the fire was intentional or not, or the specific cause for this fire that damaged much of the vegetation on Morro de Ipanema.
After being hit by a very strong polar cold wave, together with a very dry winter,  most part of the cerrado vegetation is dry, even more than usual for this time. The fire brigade is now alerting the population. While in the Ipanema Nacional forest, some parts of the park are already closed due to fire possibilities.
Two people walking on the open tracks of Ipanema  Nacional Forest. After being hit by a very strong polar cold wave, together with a very dry winter,  most part of the cerrado vegetation is dry, even more than usual for this time. The fire brigade is now alerting the population. While in the Ipanema Nacional forest, some parts of the park are already closed due to fire possibilities.
View from Morro do Ipanema, inside de Ipanema National Forest park, some parts of the park are already closed due to fire possibilities.
The fire reached a large part of the area, reaching the point of burning even on the side of the neighborhood road, burning an altar located on the side of the road, destroying its saints and cross. This type of memorial is very common, especially in memory of a probable victim of a traffic accident at the scene of the accident.
Due to a long drought, the vegetation of the cerrado is very dry for the season, which also suffers from a wave of polar cold, further damaging the vegetation in the area. The region's fire brigade is now alerting the population to the risks of fires. Since at this time of year, it is still common for some residents and producers to use fire to clean the land.
It is not known whether the fire was intentional or not, or the specific cause for this fire that damaged much of the vegetation on Morro de Ipanema.

Inside Ipanema National Forest park already has a program to reforest some parts of the park. Due to most part of the cerrado vegetation being dry, even more than usual for this time and after the fire brigade alert, some parts of the park are already closed due to fire possibilities.
Two people walking on the open tracks of Ipanema  Nacional Forest. After being hit by a very strong polar cold wave, together with a very dry winter,  most part of the cerrado vegetation is dry, even more than usual for this time. The fire brigade is now alerting the population. While in the Ipanema Nacional forest, some parts of the park are already closed due to fire possibilities.