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Sofia Aldinio

Visual Journalist & Multimedia Storyteller
Staying Afloat
Location: South Portland
Nationality: Argentine
Biography: Sofia Aldinio is an Argentine documentary photographer and multimedia storyteller. She is currently based in Portland, Maine. Her work uses collaborative practices to tell stories about home, immigration, climate change, and preserving natural and... MORE
Public Story
Staying Afloat
Copyright Sofia Aldinio 2024
Date of Work Mar 2019 - Ongoing
Updated Oct 2021
Topics Culture stories, Environment, Photography
This is a short story that documents the life of a Scottish married couple who to Oklahoma over 30 years ago, where they launched a business dedicated to the greyhound race game. As the US started to declare the race game illegal, the grandparents reflect on their life and legacy.  
It's dark outside. I'm walking around the house. The windows overlook the empty land. Far away, over the 100 acres land in Oklahoma, I can barely see the dog kennels. I try to imagine how this place would look like if the greyhound racing business would still be legal in the United States. I sat down. In front of me, there is an old photograph and a death announcement sitting on the table.

The first time I visited Betty, John and the whole family in Oklahoma was back in 2014. It wasn't until my third visit in 2020 that their story became relevant to me. In the 70's the family immigrated from Scotland to the United States, in search of a better life. How was it to build a life in a rural area in the Midwest with a population less than 600 people? What's going to happen with the land when John and Betty pass away? Most of the family it's still around. Is obvious that the presence of Betty and John is still relevant to the whole family. The complexity of their lives is evident, and the vulnerability between them makes them stronger. As I reflect on what it means to grow old on a piece of land, I observe the beauty of the paste of slow living.
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National Geographic - What is ‘open rescue’?

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Until We Are Gone

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Sofia Aldinio / south portland, maine

Until We Are Gone - Baja California

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Way of Life

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Sofia Aldinio / portland, maine

Fluid Farms

Sofia Aldinio / brunswich, maine
Staying Afloat by Sofia Aldinio
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