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Beatrix Reinhardt

Location: Astoria, Queens
Nationality: German
Biography: Beatrix Reinhardt grew up in Jena, Germany. After the completion of her undergraduate studies in New German Literature at the Freie Universität Berlin she planned to study at the New School for Social Research in New York for one year. The... MORE
Public Story
Copyright Beatrix Reinhardt 2024
Updated Nov 2020
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Topics Battlefields, Conceptual, Cyanotype, Fine Art, Land that endured drama, Landscape, Mixed Medium, Photography, Plants, Soldiers, Wallpaper
My artistic investigations and production focusing on the politics of space. WHISPERS: Can you hear the enemy? explores physical and mental spaces that endure(d) drama, and the relationship between space, memory and history, and increasingly the notion of the trace. In several pieces weeds and plants are identified as authors, historians and witnesses having an imaginary conversation. The images, weeds and grasses are from sites in Vietnam, South Africa, Spain, Iran among others. 
When working with exterior spaces, I am interested in looking at what I call charged sites, sites endowed with significant histories. However, my images offer little or no discernible evidence of this history, either the past event or any current tensions associated with it, the implications being that significance can only be materialized by human experience. 
The work is exhibited combining wallpaper, cyanotypes, digital c-prints and pressed out grass/weed and objects.
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