Sorin Vidis

Location: Bucharest, Romania
Nationality: romanian
Biography: 35 years old, Construction Engineer, Bucharest, Romania, shoots mainly film Started messing around with photography since late 2006. Since then my path has seen a lot of twist and turns along with learning more about photography and life. Street... MORE
Public Story
Copyright Sorin Vidis 2024
Updated Aug 2013
Topics Activism, Belief, Editorial, essay, Faith, Hope, Islam, Photography, photojournalism, Religion

Lukomir is the most remote and highest altitude (1495 m) village in Bosnia. While being less than 50km from Sarajevo, the way of life here has not changed much in the last 50 years. They remain untouched even by the Yugoslavian war for they are the successors of the Bogumils that found retreat in the high mountains, away from the petty quarrels of men. Today, this small village’s population, comprised only of Muslims, fluctuates dramatically between summer and winter, and every year the population drops.

Ramadan, that means dryness, is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar when Muslims fast from sunrise until sunset. This is a month of spiritual cleansing, following guidelines put forth in the Quran. They refrain from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual intercourse during the day, in their search for taqwa – a higher state of mystical consciousness.

Life as we know it is only allowed between dusk and dawn. While for the non-Muslim world sunrise marks a beginning, for them it brings the end of frivolous liberties. The time of dusk is usually a slow transition towards the end of the day, but in Ramadan time is the reconnection to the physiological activities of men. Muslims believe that removing themselves during Ramadan from earthly preoccupations will bring them closer to Allah.

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