Jonathan Jaramillo

Huerto urbano en pandemia / Urban garden during the pandemic
Location: Quito-Ecuador
Nationality: Ecuatoriano
Biography: Photography is my way of learning and getting closer to different realities. It is my resource to get to what I need to see.
Public Story
Huerto urbano en pandemia / Urban garden during the pandemic
Copyright Jonathan Jaramillo 2024
Updated May 2021
Topics Agricultura, Agriculture, Auto gestión, Community, Documentary, Environment, Latin America, Pandemia, Pandemics, Photography, Portraiture, Spotlight
Para esta pequeña comunidad, la cosecha se ha convertido en un espacio lúdico y de encuentro.
Hace meses atrás gestionaron un espacio abandonado dentro de su barrio, removieron escombros y maleza, sembraron maíz, luego lo cosecharon y repartieron equitativamente. Su objetivo es llegar a alimentarse con lo sembrado en su espacio de tierra la mayor parte del año.
For this small community, the harvest has become a playful and meeting space.
Months ago they managed an abandoned space within their neighborhood, removed debris and weeds, planted corn, then harvested it and distributed it fairly. Their goal is to feed the entire community using what they have planted on the land for most of the year.
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Also by Jonathan Jaramillo —


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Paro nacional (2019)

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Kutin Tuparima (Reencuentro)

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Educación, vocación y adaptabilidad

Jonathan Jaramillo / Quito Ecuador

Tiempos de restricción

Jonathan Jaramillo / Quito-Ecuador
Huerto urbano en pandemia / Urban garden during the pandemic by Jonathan Jaramillo
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