Pí­a Harboure

Amores como el nuestro
Location: buenos aires
Nationality: argentinian
Biography: Pía Harboure is an independent documentary photographer and photojounalist based in Argentina. Her photographic practice is focused on long-term projects related mainly to mental health issues and human rights. She has a vast experience... MORE
Public Story
Amores como el nuestro
Copyright Pía Harboure 2024
Updated Jan 2021
Location buenos aires
Topics Abandonment, Disability, Family, Health/Healing, Human Rights, Isolation, Mental Illness, Motherhood, Parenting & Family, Photography, Photojournalism, Relationships
The phase goes "every family is a world”. Maybe a whole world is represented in each family. This is Karina's (46), Santiago's (7) and Julian's (6). These brothers hold a year and a half old difference, and both are on the autism spectrum. Their condition affects the brain's neurons with repercussions on language, behavior and development. In Santiago's case the language is absent and in Julian's case, it manifests timidly. But there are other languages in their story, from the expressiveness on external stimuli and theirs limited interests. Julián likes to run around the house and dinosaurs. Santiago likes to feel the wind in his face and female vocalists. Karina would sing to him when he was her belly; she wants to prepare them for the world when she is gone. Each of their days brings a particular epic experience where there is no room for desire, no time to dream. The challenge is an intermittent dagger. Together they seek the resources to navigate an isolation within the pandemic isolation.
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