Caravan for water and life -
Caravan for water and life -
Caravan for water and life -
Caravan for water and life -
Caravan for water and life -
Caravan for water and life -
Caravan for water and life -
Caravan for water and life -
Caravan for water and life -
Caravan for water and life -
Caravan for water and life -
Caravan for water and life -
This project portrays 34 days of walking of the Caravan for Water and Life: Peoples united against capitalist dispossession, who tirelessly toured eight states of the country to visit dozens of communities that experience and suffer a water crisis of great magnitude, in addition to seeking articulation with other struggles to continue defending water and their self-determination as native peoples, carrying out sit-ins, taking of facilities, rallies, protests, meetings and cultural activities, which culminated in an extremely violent event where the government of Mexico City encapsulated and repressed by beating members and indigenous communities for more than 72 hours.


Este proyecto retrata 34 días de caminar de la Caravana por el agua y por la vida: Pueblos unidos contra el despojo capitalista, quienes recorrieron sin descanso ocho estados del país para visitar decenas de comunidades que experimentan y sufren una crisis hídrica de grandes magnitudes, además de buscar la articulación con otras luchas para seguir defendiendo el agua y su autodeterminación como pueblos originarios, realizando plantones, toma de instalaciones, mítines, protestas, encuentros y  actividades culturales, la cual culminó en un evento sumamente violento donde el gobierno de la Ciudad de México encapsuló y reprimió a golpes a integrantes y comunidades indígenas por más de 72 horas.

Caravan for water and life

Profile photo of Elizabeth Díaz
Elizabeth Díaz
Photojournalist and visual storyteller
Public Story
Caravan for water and life
Copyright Elizabeth Díaz 2024
Updated Jan 2023
Topics Spotlight
Caravan for water and life by Elizabeth Díaz Caravan for water and life by Elizabeth Díaz Caravan for water and life by Elizabeth Díaz