David Pozzati

Documentary Photographer,
Location: Firenze
Nationality: Italy
Biography: David Pozzati was born in Prato, Italy, in 1983. He completed a degree in DAMS disciplines of Art, Music and Theatre at the University of Florence. In the meanwhile he started to work as a light technician in various theaters and productions in... MORE
Events News
Winner Px3 Paris 2020
david pozzati
Dec 1, 2020
Happy to be among the winners of the Px3 Paris 2020 with my project "What's next". It's a portrait project with the aim of reflecting the feelings of this uncertain times with the Covid pandemic.

Thanks to the jury that selected my Project!
PX3 2020 Winner - What's next: uncertain times after the epidemic. 
Since the last weeks of February the Coronavirus pandemic, has been hitting China first, then the European countries and the U.S. The measures to contain the epidemic in the following 3 months have changed people’s way of life. This situation...
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