diana bagnoli

Luna's Home Birth
Location: Turin, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Biography: BIO Diana Bagnoli is an Italian freelance photographer, graduated in Communication and then in Photography in Barcelona. From 2009, when she won the first prize in the Reportage category and was awarded as the Photographer of the Year at the FIOF... MORE
Private Story
Luna's Home Birth
Copyright Diana Bagnoli 2024
Updated May 2022
Location Turin, Italy
Today, home births in Italy are 1 in 1000 in a year, more common than I thought.
This increase is probably due to Covid restrictions, which exclude fathers from delivery rooms and some women don't want to give birth alone or they just want to avoid hospitals for safety reasons. But this also seems to be a different choice, based on the relationship of trust that is established during pregnancy with the midwives.
During that night of labor, Luna was in pain but cared for, comfortable and safe. Astrid was born at 2:40 am, with the first spring full moon of the year.
1. Tell us more about the photo(s). What stands out to you now, looking back? Is there any additional context you’d like to share with our audience? 
It was special to share this moment with Luna, I'll never forget her tremendous pain, but mostly the immense joy of seeing a life being born. it has been a unique experience.
The three midwives who followed her explained to me that home birth respects the mother's timing and her natural rhythms and that it is the best way to let the hormones help her cope with pain. Everything was extremely natural and I would even say primitive, spontaneous, instinctive.

2. Can you describe what it has been like being a mother? What are the challenges and triumphs, and what would you like readers to know about your experience? 
During Luna's birth I was at the beginning of my pregnancy and I haven't given birth yet. I don't know if this cuts me out of the competition, I decided to give myself a chance anyway.
To photograph and somehow participate in a birth while being pregnant was a coincidence, no one knew that I will be soon on the other side of the lens. It has been useful, I guess, because knowing more or less what to expect helps me not to be too scared of it.
I believe that documenting and speaking about different and positive experiences can helps pregnant women face that magical but painful moment. That's why I think it's important to share it. Personally, I will treasure that night, even though I know every experience is completely different.

3. What does motherhood mean to you?
it's too early for me to know what motherhood is. But I know that, from the first day of pregnancy, before I even knew it, my body has started to change, working for something bigger. I physically felt this change and the effort of my body, all tense and focused on creating a new entire human being.
To be honest, at the beginning it just seemed to limit my old life, in order to make space for a new one to come: my social, professional and sportive life have suddenly changed, even before realizing that I'm gonna be a mum.  I think that the first trimester it's not easy at all and I didn't know it, because it's not used to speak about one's pregnancy during that first part. I was extremely tired, worried for the future and coping with the whole physical and psychic symptomatology. But it is also true that the second trimester it's totally another dimension, hormones have changed and, with them, my mood: everything seems working now and I feel a new pure happiness and strength.
So far pregnancy it's a miracle that scares and excites me, making me feel powerless and powerful at the same time in a way I've never felt before.

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Luna's Home Birth by Diana Bagnoli
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