diana bagnoli

God Bless Nash Str.
Location: Turin, Italy
Nationality: Italian
Biography: BIO Diana Bagnoli is an Italian freelance photographer, graduated in Communication and then in Photography in Barcelona. From 2009, when she won the first prize in the Reportage category and was awarded as the Photographer of the Year at the FIOF... MORE
Editors Only Story
God Bless Nash Str.
Copyright diana bagnoli 2024
Date of Work Feb 2018 - Mar 2018
Updated Mar 2018
Topics blble, bible belt, usa, unated states, north carolina, wilson, town, black, people, hispanic, pray, church, beliver, christianity
photographer Diana Bagnoli
curated by Régina Monfort

The Bible Belt is an informal region in the southeastern and south-central United States in which socially conservative evangelical Protestantism plays a strong role in society and politics.

Wilson is a small town, everything closes quite early and the downtown area has the mysterious charm of an abandoned beauty, with all its grand empty houses. Churches, however, are never empty. In fact Wilson counts more churches than grocery stores, about 80 throughout the city, most of them around the main street. Churches are strongly alive and are central to the life and spirit of the communities.

Coming from Italy, one of the most catholic countries in the world, I did not expect to be fascinated by religion. In the Bible Belt, faith is a way of life, a constant conversation with God. Everyone schedules their time around church activities. It seems to be a sacrifice that mostly fulfills people's hearts.

Last February, during my artist residency, I focused my interest on three communities, different for faith, ethnic group, economical and social issues: black people in St John and St Jackson, white people in the episcopalian St Timothy church and hispanic people in the Camino de Santitad Church.

On Nash Street, some prayed to tears while a few feet away others sung joyfully, expressing the many ways of being a Christian. Listening to their stories I understood also the many ways of being an American.

In churches, I've found the peculiarity, economical and personal issues of their society. Families, mothers, children and friends, all of them dressed-up as their church requires, close to each other, alone in their intimacy. In churches I've found people's history, made of compassion, hope, redemption, migration, suffering and joy.
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God Bless Nash Str. by diana bagnoli
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