Roberto Goya

The journey "“ 2nd Part
Biography: Roberto Goya is an artist established in Tenerife, born in 1977, with a degree in Dramatic Art by the School of Actors of the Canary Islands, with a multidisciplinary education that includes areas as the scenery, dance or mime. Recently he has... MORE
Public Story
The journey "“ 2nd Part
Copyright Roberto Goya 2024
Updated Jun 2012
Topics Activism, Conceptual, Human Rights, Photography, Religion, Spain, Tenerife, Women's Rights

The burka hangs of a thread, situated in the highest of the part destinated to the head, it is sold in the markets and shops of Afghanistan or other countries, transmitting a ghostly feeling to our western eyes, generating a figure, an extended contour, without life. Adopting such a form, the burka has accompanied me by all those places where it is extraneous and in which I have been looking for a branch, a rod or any small ledge where expose it.

Roberto Goya

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Also by Roberto Goya —


Remembering Death

Roberto Goya

The Office

Roberto Goya

The journey "“ 1st Part

Roberto Goya
The journey
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