Louis Baudoin

Photographer / Based in Paris

  French, I used to live in South East Asia, Mexico, Middle East, and the rest of Europe. I travel mostly to take pictures and m y approach is to focus on a very specific place/population in a given country and spend time... read on
  French, I used to live in South East Asia, Mexico, Middle East, and the rest of Europe. I travel mostly to take pictures and my approach is to focus on a very specific place/population in a given country and spend time as close to the population as possible. My recent experiences were in the Middle East, in Kyrgyzstan, and in Eastern Turkey.

I am mostly interested in portraits and scenes of everyday life. My goal is to capture, convey, and trigger emotions through photography

I started shooting with a digital camera few years back but quickly shifted to film cameras. I am using both a Leica R7 and a Nikon F-3 and keep my focal length short since I usually take close shots.