Linda Kuo

Location: Pound Ridge
Nationality: Chinese American
Biography: Linda Kuo is a photographer committed to social-environmental issues involving the impact humankind has upon nature and the animal kingdom. Her personal documentary projects illustrate the persevering resilience of animals and their struggles to... MORE
Editors Only Story
Copyright Linda Kuo 2024
Date of Work Dec 1969 - Dec 1969
Updated Jan 2019
Topics Activism, Agriculture, Animals, Climate Change, Conservation, Documentary, Editorial, Environment, Environmental, Farm, Fine Art, Food, Freedom, Globalization, Photography, Relationships, Science, Sustainable, Technology, Wildlife

The majority of animals produced for food in the US, come from large factory farm conglomerates designed solely to maximize agribusiness profits at the expense of our health, environment, and animal welfare. These Confined Animal Feeding Operations, release more greenhouse gasses than the entire transportation sector––directly impacting global warming. “Considered” centers on family owned Animal Welfare Approved farms, that raise animals for food with the highest ethical and environmental standards. In order for the farms to be certified, animals must be raised on pasture in their natural state of physical and psychological well-being, meeting specific criteria for each species. Animals are allowed to behave naturally, and perform their instinctive behaviors essential to their health and well-being.

Less than 1% of animals raised for food, are treated in this manner.

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