Pascal Amoyel

L'aphélie (Aphelion), 2012.
Location: Paris
Nationality: French
Biography: Pascal Amoyel holds an MFA from the ENSP-Arles (2005). He is conducting a research on photography with different practices that are the many forms of a relationship with images : personal photographic work, curating, book design, writing. His... MORE
Public Story
L'aphélie (Aphelion), 2012.
Copyright Pascal Amoyel 2024
Updated Apr 2013
Topics France, Photography, Tarn

Sentez-vous l'essence profonde et mystérieuse de l'aventure ? Celle qui fait quitter au bachelier pâle et débile la paix du port, pour affronter en solitaire l'infini de cette nuit d'été ? Saura-t-il jamais en franchir les pénibles marécages, les jungles noires et les abîmes ? Toucher terre un beau jour, retrouver les quais d'un havre protecteur ? Combien d'années, dites, de dizaines d'années, va encore durer cette sombre odyssée ?
Bruno Schulz, La nuit de juillet.

Do you sense the secret, deep meaning of that adventure, when a delicate and pale graduate goes out all alone, through glass doors, from a safe harbour into the immensity of a July night ? Will he ever wade through those black marshes, swamps and chasms of the endless night; will he disembark on some morning in a safe port ? How many decades will that black Odyssey go on ?
Bruno Schulz, A July Night

This series was realised in the south of France during the few days of July 2012 when the Earth was at its longest distance to the sun. This appears to be a time of lowest speed in the orbit.

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