Akos Stiller

Location: Budapest
Nationality: Hungarian
Biography: Akos Stiller was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1982. In 2007 he started to work as a photojournalist for hvg, the Hungarian business weekly and currently takes assignments for the National Geographic, Spiegel, Stern, Bloomberg, New York... MORE
Public Story
Copyright Akos Stiller 2024
Updated Jun 2016
Location Nyarsapat
Topics Agriculture, Documentary, Fine Art, Isolation, Personal, Photography, Poverty

At the beginning of the 20th century, agriculture was thriving in the Hungarian farmlands. The owners of self-supporting farms with huge strips of land were fairly poor, but managed to get by.  At the end of the 1940s over one million people lived in the rural farmlands of Hungary. During the years of communism, the farms were sucked into the industry and the collective farms, so by the early 1990s, only 200,000 people stayed, and their number is strongly decreasing. Most of the young move away to find jobs in far away cities, as droughts and lack of modern machinery hinder families with small land to live from agriculture.  The elderly remain, and those who couldn't live without their freedom and tranquility, but they face hardships every day. Each year more and more abandoned farms are destroyed, to give space for farming companies "“ endles fields of crops are growing where once families were raised.

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