Melissa Bartucci

Dancing Perfectly Still
Location: New York City
Nationality: American
Biography: Melissa Bartucci   is a New York City based artist. A retired professional dancer, she made a transiton to behind the lens, capturing emerging freelance dancers and choreographers of a new era of dance in the 21st century. She is self... MORE
Public Story
Dancing Perfectly Still
Copyright Melissa Bartucci 2024
Updated Jan 2014
Topics Arts, Ballerina, Ballet, Ballet Class, Ballet student, Beauty, Black and white, Candid, Choreographer, Dance, Dance company, Dance rehearsal, Dance student, Dance students, Dance studio, Dancers, Dancing, Documentary, Joffrey, Joffrey Ballet School, Melissa Bartucci, Nomad Contemporary Ballet, NYC, Photography, Pointe shoes, Rehearsal

All of the photographs you see here were taken in various dance schools and studio rehearsals through-out the NYC area. None of these images were ever staged, and the only lighting came from the fluorescent lights above in the rehearsal studio or natural light that spilled in though the windows.  I kept most of the editing to an absolute minimum to preserve the grittiness of the hard work that goes on in the every day rehearsal/choreographic process. To me there is true beauty here in these old studios, there are countless lost bobby pins from ballerina buns on the floor along with toe tape and dust bunnies. It is the process the public is generally not able (or allowed) to see. Here is where you see beautiful ballerinas without their stage make up and costumes. You can see the sweat and effort up close. The air is sometimes heavy, humidity fogs up the mirrors as well as my lens, and I am grateful for every moment of it.

As a former ballerina myself, I find that I sometimes get lost in what I see unfold in front of me. More than a few times I have forgotten/remembered myself and moved ever so slightly as I composed a shot and it comes out tilted. They are a bit flawed and not so perfect but I treasure these images as well.

I must remember myself as photographer but the dancer in me is still so alive. I must remember to dance perfectly still. 

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