CNN Photos

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Biography: Featuring powerful photo-driven stories and a behind-the-scenes look at emerging and established photographers.
Sara Hylton published on CNN Photos
cnn photos
Sep 5, 2016

Riding on India's 'intense' trains

As the scenes outside India's trains shift from the lush tea gardens of northeastern Assam to the Arabian Sea along India's western coast, the snack offerings at the stations vary from mitha dahi (sweet yogurt) to idli (steamed rice cakes).

India's trains and the more than 23 million passengers that ride them each day are a symbol of the country's rich diversity of food, culture, language, religion and class. On the journeys that extend from one end of the country to another, many passengers spend days on the trains.

Canadian documentary photographer Sara Hylton spent months traveling India's railways for her photo series, "A Temporary Home." A temporary home is what the trains have become for the migrant workers, families, missionaries and beggars Hylton met along the way.

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